Helta Anggia is an English language lecturer at Universitas Bandar Lampung. After finishing his study in India in 2013, he has been active as a lecturer as well as the head of English Department, UBL. So far as his professional career is concern, Helta has been very active in joining fellowships and pursuing either study or research grants. In 2014 he was accepted as one of Indonesian candidates of TEIL Master’s program in Prince of Songkla University, Thailand. In 2016 he spent 3 month-English Language Enrichment Program from the Government of Brunei Darussalam in Brunei and Hawai’I – USA. Currently he is working on a research in English language Learning; Lampung Culture-Based which is fully funded by the minister of research and technology and higher education of Indonesian Government.
Educational Background:
- S1 IAIN Raden Intan Lampung
- Fellowships : Brunei-US English Language Enrichment Program 2017
Research Interests:
- Intercultural Communication
- Extensive Reading
- English Language Teaching and Methodologies
Publications and Projects (completed or going on):
- English Language Learning System: Lampung Culture-Based
- he Implementation of Extensive Reading Program in Improving Students’ Reading Motivation in English Department of Universitas Bandar Lampung
email: helta@ubl.ac.id