Drs. Harpain, M.A.T.,M.M.

Harpain is an English language lecturer at Universitas Bandar Lampung. After finishing his study on Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages from SIT Graduate Study Brattleboro, Vermont, AS., India in 1993, he has been active as a lecturer in UBL. So far as his professional career is concern, Harpain has been very active in joining fellowships and pursuing either study or research grants. Currently he is working on a research in English language Learning; The Optimization of Contextual Learning in Universitas Bandar Lampung.

Educational Background:

  1. S1Universitas Lampung
  2. S2 SIT Graduate Study Brattleboro, Vermont, AS.S3
  3. S2 Universitas Bandar Lampung
  4. S3 UIN RadenIntan Lampung (on going)

Research Interests:

  1. Vocabulary Enhancement
  2. Educational Management
  3. English Language Teaching and Methodologies

Publications and Projects (completed or going on)

  • The Influence of Learning Styles, Motivation, and Types of School on Students’ English Achievement at Junior High Schoolsin Bandar Lampung


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