Deri Sis Nanda is a senior lecturer (Lektor) at Bandar Lampung University. She is also the Head of Bandar Lampung University Library. She is the member of University Library Forum at Lampung Province. She earned her PhD in English Literature from English and Foreign Languages University, India.
Educational Backgrounds:
- Sarjana Sastra (S.S.) in English Literature, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara (UISU), Medan
- M.A. in English Literature, Central Institute of English and Foreign languages (CIEFL), India
- Ph.D. in English Literature, English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), India
Professional honors, awards and fellowships:
Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) Scholarship by Government of India.
Research Interests:
- Language Education
- Systemic Functional Linguistics
- Literary Study
- Teaching English through Literature
- Discourse Analysis
Publications and Projects (completed or going on):
- Susanto, Wang, Z., Wang, Y., Nanda, D.S. (2017) Forensic Linguistic Inquiry into the Validity of F0 as Discriminatory Potential in the System of Forensic Speaker Verification. Journal of Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation, 5(2), ISSN 24761311.
- Nanda, D.S.(2016) Fostering the Use of Drama for English Language Learners in the EFL Classroom. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Education and Language, 7-10. Bandar Lampung: Universitas Badar Lampungy. ISSN 2303-1417.
- Nanda, D.S. and Susanto (2015) Rewriting History through Buru Quartet by Pramoedya Ananta Toer as a Form of Resistance in Soeharto’s Era. In Proceedings of the 3rd Literary Study Conference, 190-195. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University. ISBN 978-602-7189-04-1