Struktur Kurikulum Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Universitas Bandar Lampung
No MK CODE Subjects Credits Requirement No MK CODE Subjects Credits Requirement
1 UN* Pendidikan Agama 2 1 UN201 Kewarganegaraan 2
2 UN107 Pancasila 2 2 UN202 Analytical and Creative Thinking 2
3 UN108 Personal Development 1 3 UN203 English for General Communication 2
4 ED101 Vocabulary 2 4 IP201 Pengatar Pendidikan 2
5 ED102 Intensive Listening 2 5 ED201 Extensive Listening 2 ED102
6 ED103 Intensive Reading 2 6 ED202 Extensive Reading 2 ED103
7 ED104 Fundamental Spoken English 3 7 ED203 Public Speaking 3 ED104
8 ED105 Introduction to Paragraph Writing 3 8 ED204 Paragraph Writing 3 ED105
9 ED106 Introduction to Contemporary Grammar 3 9 ED205 Contemporary Grammar 3 ED106
10 ED107 Pronunciation Practice 2
Total Credits 22 Total Credits 21
No MKK CODE Subjects Credits Requirement No MK CODE Subjects Credits Requirement
1 UN301 Innovation 1 1 UN401 Bahasa Indonesia 2
2 UN302 English for Academic Purposes 2 2 UN402 Entrepreneurship (Incubator Class) 2
3 IP301 Educational Psychology 2 IP201 3 IP401 Teacher Professional Development 2
4 ED301 Critical Listening 2 ED201 4 ED401 English Debate and Critical Thinking 3 ED303
5 ED302 Critical Reading 2 ED202 5 ED402 Academic Writing 3 ED304
6 ED303 Academic Speaking 3 ED203 6 ED403 Phonetics and Phonology 2 ED307
7 ED304 Essay Writing 3 ED204 7 ED404 Intercultural Communication 2
8 ED305 Grammar in Discourse 3 ED205 8 ED405 Media and Technology in ELT 3
9 ED306 English Literature 2 9 ED406 English Syntax 2 ED307
10 ED307 Introduction to Linguistics 2 10 ED* Elective Course I 2
Total Credits 22 Total Credits 23
No MK CODE Subjects Credits Requirement No MK CODE Subjects Credits Requirement
1 ED501 English Language Teaching Methodology 3 1 IP601 Comunity Development 2
2 ED502 English Language Testing and Evaluation 4 2 ED601 Second Language Acquisition 2 ED504
3 ED503 Language Curriculum Development 3 3 ED602 Micro Teaching 4
4 ED504 Psycholinguistics 2 ED307 4 ED603 Qualitative Research Methodology 3
5 ED505 Sociolinguistics 2 ED307 5 ED604 Quantitative Research Methodology 3
6 ED506 Writing Clinics 2 6 ED605 Syllabus and Material Development 2
7 ED507 Semantics 2 ED408 7 ED606 Translation 2 ED507
8 ED508 Education and Technopreneurship 2 8 ED* Elective Course III 2
9 ED* Elective Course II 2
Total Credits 22 Total Credits 20
No MK CODE Subjects Credits Requirement No MK CODE Subjects Credits Requirement
1 IP701 Internship / School Placement 4 110 Credits 1 ED801 Final Project (TA) 6 130 Credits + (ED603, ED604)
2 ED701 Interpreting 2 ED606 Total Credits 6
3 ED* Elective Couse IV 2
Total Subjects Should be Taken 60
Total Credits 8 Total Credits Should be Taken 144
Total Elective Courses Offered 12
Total Credits Elective Courses Offered 24
Total Elective Courses Should be Taken 4
Total Credits Elective Courses Should be Taken 8
Elective Courses Agreed on August 6th 2019
No Code Subjects Credits Elective Contributors: Helta, Dame, Yanuar, Susanto, Yanu, Harpain
1 ED407 Creative Writing: Drama 2 Elective I
2 ED408 Discourse Analysis 2
3 ED409 TEYL 2
4 ED509 Creative Writing: Short Stories 2 Elective II
5 ED510 Forensic Linguistics 2
6 ED511 Reflective Practice in Language Education 2
7 ED607 Poetry and Drama in Language Education 2 Elective III
8 ED608 Neuro Linguistics 2
9 ED609 English for Tourism and Hospitality 2
10 ED702 Visual Literature 2 Elective IV
11 ED703 World Englishes 2
12 ED704 BIPA 2
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